As a child you were born...

...with a certain personality by Nature; over time as you evolved and learned your personality changed by Nurture; Born(e) by your burdens, experiences and responsibilities.

Myers-Briggs has even identified a Caregiver Personality... you may see a bit of yourself in this "Portrait of a Caregiver" (link to take a personality test include)

You may have accepted your role as a Caregiver willingly by Nature; or you may have been thrust into the role by circumstance and must now Nurture your inner Caregiver role!

As circumstances around you change, your personality, your inner-voice fights for the status-quo and may create a distorted perception that can isolate you!

You might be a Caregiver if...

You give yourself to Others then wonder...

what happened to YOU!

If you have ever felt your own self-expectations are beyond your reach; if your inner-monologue is being a bit counterproductive or self-deprecating... you might be experiencing Cognitive Distortions* which are quite common for those experiencing high levels of stress; here, we call them Caregiver Distortions.

The word of "DOC!" encourages a three step approach of "Awareness... Acceptance... Allowance..." that helps you develop an inner voice encouraging you to "HONOR yourself as you Care for Others!"

Click through to see if any of these Caregiver Distortions are getting in your way from allowing you to "HONOR yourself as you Care for Others!"

Here are several ways that, "the word of DOC!" may be able to help!

  1. Encourage a Senior Living Community or Non-Profit Organization near you to invite us to bring our play "Defending the Caregiver" to your area. 
  2. Listen to our Podcast... watch some of our videos on Youtube... 
  3. Help spread, "the word of DOC!" by sharing this on Facebook or Twitter, or click through to HELP OTHERS with a membership at our Patreon Account.

NOTE:  DOC does not offer individual counseling/consulting to Personal/Family Caregivers but would be glad to refer you to Others in your area.

*Cognitive distortions are simply ways that our mind convinces us of something that isn't really true. These inaccurate thoughts are usually used to reinforce negative thinking or emotions — telling ourselves things that sound rational and accurate, but really only serve to keep us feeling bad about ourselves.